Estelux Lipofit 5 ML (Lipolitic)
Injection Areas: Cheeks, Nose, Neck, Chin, Under Chin, Abdomen, Waist, Arms, Hands, Feet
Function: Melts excess fat.
HA Concentration: 15 mg/ml
Vial Volume: 5 ml (10 pieces of 5 ml in 1 box, vial)
Ingredients: Hyaluronic acid 15 mg/ml, Nicotinamide 1 mg/ml, Deoxychloroic acid 10 mg/ml, DMAE 5 mg/ml
Storage Conditions: Room temperature (2-30 degrees)
Rules of Use:
The solution is injected into the fatty tissue.
First Stage: Cheek, Chin, Neck, one-time treatment 3-4 ml, 0.2-0.4 ml per injection side. The distance of the injection site should not be less than 1 cm and the depth should not be more than 0.5 cm. The injection interval is 2 weeks.
Second Stage: One-time treatment of Abdomen, Waist, Arms, Legs, Buttocks 5 ml (in flonka), 0.5-0.8 ml for each injection side. The distance of the injection site should not be less than 1 cm and the depth should not be more than 1 cm. 4-6 times in 1 week injection interval can show the result of treatment.